For everyone who wants to buy authentic Air Jordan shoes at cheap prices there are some things you need to know. First you want to make sure the shoes you are getting are genuine. Many people are afraid to buy designer items online thinking that they will be involved in a scam and in fact end up with a knock off of the original., You also should know that when you buy Air Jordan shoes at excessive prices perhaps this is actually the scam? Are the big businesses who promise 100% not ripoff shoes actually ripping us off? One of the basic details that you need to know is that you will find that with cheap real jordans, ALL of them are manufactured outside of the United States. There is NO genuine manufacturing plant within the United States and any store that says they are selling genuine USA made Air Jordan shoes are in fact selling you a knock off and if you purchase from a business that says this they will in fact scamming YOU.
Along with the fact that no Air Jordan shoes are made in the USA, the costs to actually manufacture them are very low and the fact that the jordan shoes for cheap can be sold for US$500 or more is in itself another scam. If the shoes are all made in Asian countries for pennies but then sold to us, the consumers, at a mark up over three or four hundred percent or more, then are we not again getting involved in another rip off? Is it not a scam in itself to manufacture something for say US$15 (or less) and then sell it to us for US$500 or more?, The economy all over the world is not in the best shape however we don attack these big businesses to play fair and stop their scams. It is little wonder some of these designer clothing businesses return such huge profits each year. Perhaps we should be worrying more about the scams these so called absolute genuine retailers are involved in when they sell us products with such huge mark up prices.
They guarantee you are not getting a knockoff but when the same manufacturing plant produces the exact same shoes to another wholesaler who then sells them for a fraction of the cost who is the scammer exactly? Another important fact is that many of the unscrupulous businesses that sell knockoff Air Jordan shoes are not in business for very long. ,The scam they are running is quickly discovered and they are busted for selling knockoff products. If you are using a site that has been around for a while to purchase your low cost genuine wholesale jordans you are more like to get genuine shoes than the knockoff products that will be available from some fly-by-night online scammers. There are online businesses like this and they will deliberately set up their business as a scam to ripoff their customers so make sure you do some research into the business before sending them any of your hard earned money.
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